Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fried lo shu fun

One of my lazy dishes and the kids/ favorite....


200gms minced meat (any meat of your choice)
1 packet of lo shu fun (sold mostly in hypermarkets & wet markets)
any green vege of your choice
1 carrot (cut into match stick size)
3 tbsp of chopped preserved radish (choy po)
fish cake or fishballs (sliced)
1 tbsp each of chopped onion and garlic
1 egg (optional)

Sauce (A)

4 - 5 tbsps Del Monte tomato sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
dark soy sauce to taste


1. Marinade the minced meat with light soy sauce and pepper for about 2 hours and refrigerate it.
2. Heat up the wok with 3 tbsp of oil. Stir in chopped onion and garlic
3. Add in minced meat and fry til it's thoroughly cooked. Add in fish cake/fishballs.
4. Add in the sauce and stir well before adding in the carrots and vege. Stir fry til vege is half cooked.
5. Add in lo shu fun and stir thoroughly till all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and cooked.
6. Serve hot with cut fresh chillies. Sprinkle some fried onion or spring onion for garnishing.

Churned out directly from Aniston's Kitchen...

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